Digital Streaming Of Plenaries

We are pleased to announce a new method of participating in this year’s conference for those who are unable to attend and witness the conversation taking place here in Hyderabad, India. This year, we will offer a live-stream option that will allow you exclusive access to each of our plenary and invited addresses as they occur(live) . 

If you are interested, Register today for the “Online Digital Streaming for Plenaries and Invited Addresses” and be a part of the conversation ( ISMA will decide nominal subscription for enabling technology only).

Subscribing the live stream option will grant you access to:

A unique promotional code to access the live stream via email

Live stream viewing for each of the Plenary and Invited Addresses throughout the ICSM 2018

Register your Interest in Availing Life Stream Option

Stress Awareness and Assessment Prorgrams

The first and foremost activity is stress awareness. ISMA –India has initiated Stress awareness lectures and workshops  to sensitize the importance of the subject. ISMA is conducting Stress awareness programmes regularly throughout the country with the help of stress management professionals. 

Now, ISMA is ready to support organisations voluntarily to conduct to self-stress awareness to Organisations through "Stress Awareness and Assessment Prorgrams" by providing individual stress profile  to employees and also organizational stress status report.

If you are interested, Register today for the “Stress Awareness and Assessment Prorgrams”

Name :
E-mail :
Phone no:
Organisation Name:
Massage Box:
